Do you want to write an outstanding article related to fruits? So, you need to spread some mangoes on your article for making it useful to others. Someone says to me “Mangoes are kings of fruits”. I think he gathered that feeling by counting the Types of Mangoes.
Moreover, some outstanding qualities of mangoes are color, shape and taste which make it attractive to other fruits. Their highlighted yellow color makes them visible between the lists of fruits. But, different countries have different colored mangoes. Common colors of mangoes are green, yellow, orange, brown, red and purple. Taste of mangoes is quite different from other fruits. Its sour and sweet taste makes it better than others. Mangoes are summer seasoned fruits.
Mangoes ruled every type of food. From appetizers to dessert, everything can be filled with these mangoes. In Asian Culture, usage of mango soup is common for appetizer. Mango fusion, mango spices, mango salad and mango meal generously used in meal. Mango marmalade, mango pastry, mango cake, mango shake and mango pudding used as a dessert and drink side of food.
Mango is fleshy stoned fruit that has cold nature. So, it is popular in season fruits. A survey resulted that every 2nd human being of this world is lover of mango. Animals also love to eat mangoes. Common cultivators of mangoes are China, Thailand, India and Pakistan. Mangoes of India and Pakistan are quite famous in the world because of taste. Mangoes of these countries have interesting names like ‘langrra’ and ‘chaunsa’.
Mangoes belong from the family of Mangifera. Mangifera has 69 different species from which one is mango with name Mangifera Indica. Some common types or species of mangoes are:
Haden is type of mango with green, yellow and red color with mix texture. It is in oval to round shape.
Tommy or Atkins is Brazilian mango which has golden to greenish color with oblong shape.
Kent is a type of Mexican mango with green and red blush color and has yellow dots on it. It is also in oval shape.
Keitt has greenish skin with red color. It is very smooth, oval and juicy Mexican type of mango.
Francine is green to yellow colored mango with flattened oval shape commonly found in Haiti.
Ataulfo is yellow and buttery type of mango with flattened oval shape.
Really! Mangoes are uncountable!!!
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