A feature of video is said to be Hangouts. It is one of most common things the help of Twitter and Facebook Google+ is set. When almost people are chatting together just like a hanger, any people has in the floor at a time and who is this person you can tell because those person video is seen by far big on your computer screen . Until recently, with the help of Google's used microphone volume to determinate who got to be in control of the conversation . To the person is working and control the loudness get of the chatting. One tension: What if you're using sign language? Google don't know to the importance of feed. The almost special person was unable for hearing-impaired people, since the person who had the most background happiness in their video usually got the floor.
Starting this week in a blog post, however, Google engineer Chee Chew announced a simple fix. People using sign language can take control of the conversation, With the help of keyboard to press Shift+S key. It is look like a digital version of flying or waving for attention.To make the audio is silent this feature work to the video chat everyone, by writes Google engineer Chee Chew .In the comments on Chew's post, users were excited about the update. Jeannie June is the user of Google+ Jeannie June write in the beautiful golden words and said "Thanks a lot for being sensitive to the needs of your users. hits close to home coz my sister is deaf and i love her very much . "Great idea, Google," wrote Charlie White on the tech blog Mashable, IT is a CNN Tech partner website.
To the complain of video result is not properly clear on the service, saying it is create problem to see friends clearly.
Chew addressed this issue in his blog post, too:
"We have been aggressively improving the video quality and stability," he wrote. "It's still a huge challenge to transmit 10 video feeds to 10 end points, potentially all around the world. We still have lots of improvements we want to make. But I hope you see a substantial improvement in video stability in the past several weeks. This will be a never-ending effort."
Writter...., It is an amazing article,wonderfull thanks to share about google+..